Use photos, videos and compelling stories virtually to attract followers, build relationships, gain clients and make sales! Join panelists Heather M. O'Connor, Mitch Sanker and Lisa Carnwith as they share their storytelling secrets.

Heather M. O'Connor
Heather M. O’Connor is an award-winning freelance journalist, editor and author. But you might call her an archaeologist, because she’s always digging up stories. Or a translator, for turning complex or technical topics into fascinating magazine articles. A former communications expert for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, she writes and edits blog posts, newsletters, electronic press kits, and grant applications. Her stories have appeared in the Toronto Sun, the Canadian Encyclopedia, and dozens of national and regional publications. Heather is also the author of fiction and nonfiction for adults and children, including the soccer novel Betting Game (Orca, 2015) and the picture book Fast Friends (Scholastic, 2020.)
MITCH SANKER Mitch Sanker is the creative director at Sanker Media; a local digital marketing company in Durham Region. Mitch helps businesses build their brand on the internet using proven strategies that generate more leads and increase revenue. Sanker Media helps small to medium sized companies build brand awareness, become an authority figure in their industry, and cultivate a community built on trust. Mitch is passionate about entrepreneurship and is an excellent partner to any business owner seeking innovative marketing strategies backed by a creative team that will execute.
Lisa is a passionately curious and inherently creative person and has pursued many different career paths including that of a Manufacturing Engineer, Presenter and Team Leader for Scientists in School, business owners, African Hand Drumming (djembe) facilitator and TV personality.She is master of hypnosis and change-work having worked with many clients to alleviate anxiety, pain, eating disorders and has focused specifically on the emotional trauma associated with sexual abuse and self-harm. She spends her free time studying the brain, teaching art and playing in a rock band.Lisa believes that we are forever changing and that we all have the ability to continually create new neural pathways in our brain. We never stop learning but learning with focused intention can kick it up a notch.
Nancy Hutchinson
Nancy Hutchinson has worn many hats over her career...from Therapeutic Recreationist, The Alpaca Lady, NanaNance and now Deck Diva. She is responsible for the behind the scenes especially all the social media platforms at Decks Out Back. The Deck Diva has the ability to engage the audience she has attracted to Decks Out Back via humour, video and daily engagement through the posts on these platforms. Keeping her audience and clientele amused, Nancy is sensitive to her audience and respects those who participate in the community that she has created. Nancy values the opinions of her audience and the clientele that she engages with. She has helped develop Decks Out Back fan page, one deck at a time. It is important to her that the clientele trusts Decks Out Back reputation, so we can build a business through videos, photos and fun engagement. Nancy loves the heart of others, she finds creativity engaging,loves to laugh, especially at herself, funny and committed to creating and managing engaging communities, both online and off.
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